eDCs & the thyroid
Diseases associated with the thyroid gland are one of the most prevalent conditions, especially in women
There is growing evidence that chemical exposure can disrupt the thyroid function and cause other adverse health affects. These chemicals are classed into a group called Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) which mimic the action of hormones, including the thyroid hormones
EDCs essentially mimic naturally produced hormones in the body and interfere with that hormones important physiological action. They accumulate in our fat tissue as toxic products and generally take a long time to break down.
Some commonly seen EDCs of concern include:
Mould (found in water damaged homes, although not always visible)
bisphenol A (found in plastic & canned food)
Pesticides (found in commercial fruit & veg)
Herbicides (found in gardening/weeding sprays)
Phthalates (found in plastic, anything labeled as ‘fragrance’, and commercial fruit & veg)
Triclosan (found in toothpaste, antibacterial soaps and personal care products)
Something I see so commonly in my clients is hormonal imbalances and thyroid-related conditions, and it’s truly no wonder when I hear about how many chemicals they are coming into contact with every single day. While some chemicals are generally considered safe, A LOT of commonly used ones are not.
Common symptoms of a thyroid dysfunction:
Unexplained weight gain/ weight loss
Hair loss/thinning
Sensitivity to temperature
Puffy eyes/face
What you consume matters. Every chemical you come in contact with through your skin, your nose, and through your mouth can impact your hormones and cause health issues. Choose carefully.
The key to reducing your toxic load and chemical exposure is mindful consumption. Start reading the ingredient labels of everything you buy. Get curious. Make different choices.