healthy sleep patterns

Your sleep-wake-cycle is an essential component of health and wellness, also known as the circadian rhythm. It’s a 24 hour clock that regulates sleepiness and alertness in response to light in a way to keep your body in balance.

The circadian rhythm is responsible for regulating:
- digestion
- hormone release (when you get hungry, what types of food you crave, how much energy you have, your menstrual cycle + much more!)
- body temperature
- mental health/mood/concentration
- sleep quality and quantity

A healthy sleep and wake routine is essential to keep your body functioning well, but it’s not just about how many hours of sleep you get. Your body and mind thrive on routine, so here’s some simple changes you can make to optimise your circadian rhythm:

🌸 Limit coffee intake, especially if you already have trouble sleeping. No caffeine after 11 a.m., and limit nicotine and alcohol a few hours before bed
🌸 Set a bed time and stick to it - switch your phone/TV off and reduce exposure to bright lights, loud noises, and blue light at least 1 hour before bed
🌸 Read a few pages of a book before bed - use a lamp with a warm light
🌸 Aim to wake up at the same time every morning
🌸 Don’t go to bed full - eat dinner 2-3 hours before sleeping
🌸 Sit outside first thing in the morning for 5-10 minutes and soak in the sun - this will signal your brain to produce cortisol to naturally wake you up

Theres many other factors that need to be considered when looking at a healthy routine, and this might not work for everyone (especially shift workers) — so consult with a practitioner to find the right routine for you.


mental health


balanced living for health